Our Housing Community Vision

What are the struggles we desire to address?
Individuals and families affected by disabilities experience many difficulties. People affected by disabilities experience some of the highest rates of homelessness. If those affected by special needs were a people group, they would be the largest unreached people group for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is due, in part, to the lack of disability ministry and understanding from churches and church members. There are strict monetary limitations placed on people with disabilities regarding the amount of money they can earn and assets they can own. These restrictions make it practically impossible to live independently. If the person with disability has a caregiver or caregiving team, he/she typically spends more time with the paid staff than with friends who are not paid to spend time with the person with disability. These struggles combined with the extra energy required to accomplish basic day-to-day tasks create a perfect storm for isolation and loneliness for families affected by disabilities.
Why One Shred of Hope?
One Shred of Hope is a movement of God to serve individuals 18 and over with documented physical and/or intellectual disabilities, excluding chemical dependency and severe mental illness. We are built on the foundations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, its inherent truth, and its power over and through our lives. We are creating an accessible, affordable, integrated housing community in Clinton, MS in which we will share the Gospel with our neighbors and provide independence to people with disabilities.
The Gospel is for ALL!
We believe that salvation is through faith alone. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” This means that we are all sinners. According to Romans 6:23, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” What we deserve for our sin is death, but God has a gift for us of eternal life through Jesus Christ. How do we obtain that gift? Romans 10: 9-10 states, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” We can obtain the gift of eternal life in Christ by acknowledging that we are sinners and believing that Jesus took our place on the cross and God raised Him from the dead. One Shred of Hope believes that everyone, including people affected by disabilities, deserves to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have the opportunity to accept faith in Him. In Luke 14, God commands us to, "invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed...make them come in so my house will be full.” We believe God has called us to befriend families affected by disability, who often face the struggle of disability alone. On an individual basis, we can come alongside these families to share Christ, bear their burdens, celebrate their successes, and learn from their life.
Where we are going
One Shred of Hope currently owns one home and two plots of land on Wickstead Dr. in Clinton, MS. The home has been renovated to be accessible for someone using a wheelchair. We hope to build two more accessible homes, one on each piece of land. This community we are creating is in the college town of Mississippi College. Our goal is to create multiple communities in college towns throughout Mississippi. The options are limitless! The college partnerships would give able-bodied students the opportunity to work, volunteer, and intern with our neighbors affected by disabilities. Interested college students could also live in the communities as neighbors to our friends with disabilities. We believe that college students who are passionate about the medical field and/or ministry could gain valuable experience from spending time in these communities with the neighbors affected by disabilities. Our neighbors with special needs would have the opportunity to be involved on the college campuses through attending classes, working, attending events, and more. Our long-term vision is to offer a program that equips individuals who are passionate about disability advocacy to start other communities such as this one.
How can the Body of Christ and the community be complete and stronger?
God’s house is full and complete when people affected by disability are present. We believe that the instructions given in Luke 14 should be applied to our communities. People with disabilities may possess limitations and inadequacies, as defined by the world’s standards, which causes the incorrect assumption that they cannot and do not have the desire to participate in the community. One Shred of Hope believes that the contrary is reality. Each member of the body has equal value and importance. The body does not function at its full potential when a member is missing or inactive (1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Romans 12:3-8). Individuals with disabilities can and do have a desire to participate in their communities. When they are given the opportunity to use their God given gifts and engage as integral components, the community and the Body of Christ are complete and stronger.
Join the Journey!